Sunday, June 12, 2011

A funny thing, is Life...

Long has the mystery of our existence been pondered. From the documented thoughts of the greatest minds to have ever lived, right through to those quiet, still and poignant moments in ourselves that keep our eyes wide in the dead of a sleepless night. We can traverse the globe in a matter of hours using great flying vehicles, we can perform incredibly invasive surguries and navigate through the most tender parts of the human brain with damageless results, yet still the most pertinent question eludes us: 'Why are we here?'. From the inception of human life, wherever that idea may lie, to the triumphs of humanity lies a void, a bottomless chasm that holds the answers to life on planet earth. Many believe that all is revealed when you pass away and many believe this is merely a stage in a series of never ending labrynth that sings our immortality. What do you believe? Have you ever allowed your mind to fall into the bottomless chasm in search for an explanation that is comprehensible to you? Have you ever thought of what lies beyond the sea of tranquility? Have you ever considered the miracle of life from its simplest beginning? Thinking of these things and conjuring your own conclusion, in my opinion is as valid as the theories of genius' such as Issac Newton or Albert Einstein. Why do I make such a bold statement?;Because as intelligent and educated as these great men were, the information available to them at the time was merely based on theory. Today, the same smokescreen faces every joe soap: look for answers about the moon landing and you will find conspiracies such that Stanley Kubrick was enlisted by the CIA to stage the moon landing, in an effort to suppress the Russians from winning the space race. You will find documents recently released by the FBI confirming that there was a UFO 'disk' recovered in Roswell in 1947 - You will even find cover ups that go so far as to theorize that there is an active alien base on the dark side of the moon and that the United States government and indeed the governments of the world, are in constant communication with alien forces to benefit mutual education. This post is not a fact finder on the conspiracies of the world but as we entrust ourselves to the media everyday through the form of newspapers, the internet and television, one cannot help but take a step back and come to the realisation that everything we know, everything we see, hear and read is a controlled perception of the reality that surrounds us. I believe the evolution of humanity has in a way, prevented itself from evolving further; imagine if greed, war and religious division was non-existent? Imagine the progress, imagine the lack of distraction we would obtain. How, in todays societies do we measure the success of our lives? Well that depends on whether you're a conformist or an independent. There in lies another problem, conformism aids involvement, acceptance - that warm fuzzy feeling you get when someone embraces you. So what is the cost of assessing yourself and standing your own ground and making your own decisions based of the facts that are presented to you? Does it REALLY matter if you walk past a group of strangers and they suddenly begin to snigger? Logically it shouldnt because you'll most likely never see them again however it is our innate desire to be accepted that propels so many of us into the norm. However, when you're lying at home staring at that black, dark ceiling and you're wondering where you're going to go when you die - things seem a litte different right? I cant recall a great many things about my childhood, at least in a way that gives me vivid access to its existence yet, I know and feel how I have grown - as do we all. My memories and feelings are locked centrally in a place that doesnt anatomically exist in my body. A funny thing is life, as we must ultimately meet the end. But I challenge you this, try to see the world as it is around you, not as it is shown to you. Look at the tree's and running water and think about the exactness of how every relevant essential to human life exists and does so through nature. Think about all of the mathematical equations it takes to calculate the success of something so grand as the earths formation, its containment of human life and its ability to protect that life from everything that surrounds it. Why are we truly here? To make millions and live like kings and queens? There was once no such thing as money. I personally believe that life is the trip down that bottomless chasm and that the answers do not lie at the end, wherever and whenever that may be - rather they are woven into the very fabric of the walls of that bottomless pit. And as we fall, we make the choices that create what our individual lives are ultimately about. Yes this was a longwinded way to say 'life is what you make of it', but when you accept your journey and your fate, life unravels itself as no great mystery at all. There is no meaning that we can yet comprehend. There is no destination but a void into which we must all step. The only question you must ask yourself is, 'what does life mean to me?' - and when you search the deepest part of your body that doesnt anatomically exist and you accept what you find; you will enjoy your freefall all the more. I do not know what happens when we die but I like to hope in something I once heard: That all of the things we learn on our journey, all of our experiences and our feelings; like running water, it must go somewhere...

Declan Greene

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